For quite some time in cities like Cape Coral there was no city water available due to the history of its development. When finally this project started in the first areas, each and every lot owner got charged for the expansion through the assessments.
These costs which climbed up to more than $20,000 during the construction boom in 2005 can be paid in different ways. While the owner of the property can of course pay the whole amount at once including a discount, the city also offers payment in installments or a simple financing with them.
If you choose to finance, the city will charge you on a yearly basis and add this amount to your property tax bill. The amount is split into 3 different connection types: city water, city sewer and irrigation. The latter does not necessarily have to be connected, however the city will still charge the assessments and the basic monthly fee.
The first area that got connected to the city water supply was the southeast section of Cape Coral. Because of the direct proximity to the water the first homes in 1956 have been built there.
In the following years the water network was expanding towards the southwestern areas while the northern ones are only partly connected as of today. The homes in those areas are being supplied through a well in the backyard. The well water will be pumped to the house, transported through a cleaning system and then supplied into the house.
The sewage exits through a septic tank and a drainage field under the lawn in the front yard. The disadvantage of the well supply is that the water quality is slightly inferior to the city water and that you have to purchase and maintain the cleaning system. The advantage is that the well water does not cost anything.
Ultimately all areas of Cape Coral are designated for the utility expansion project. In any case you should bear these costs in mind when you plan on buying a house in the northern area. Thus, you have to be aware that the building cost will be increased because of the above mentioned installations and you will still have to eventually pay the city’s utility expansion fees after you are finished building.
North 1 Utilities Project – Coming Summer 2022
North 1 UEP is in the northeast quadrant of the City and will complete the extension of water, sewer and irrigation services to the three areas (Southwest 6/7, North 2 and North 1) that were approved by City Council in 2012.
The agreement for Professional Engineering and Design Services for the North 1 Utilities Extension Project (UEP) was approved by City Council on August 10, 2020. The City currently anticipates the start of construction around the Summer of 2022.
The majority of the SW lots still have assessments unpaid. Standard practice is to assume these unpaid assessments and continue to pay them until you sell your property to someone else.
Assessments – pay them with your property tax
In Cape Coral, it is customary for the buyer to assume the unpaid portion of these city utility assessments at closing, however everything is negotiable. Each payoff, either the complete amount at once or the yearly one with the property taxes increases the value of the lot. While the assessments are usually pretty much the same in the south of the city, the amounts in the regions where the utility expansion took place last (Southwest 6 & 7 and North 2) are different as the city change the conditions for the financing for these projects moving forward.
Example of a property tax bill with the Assessments:
For questions related to the North 2 Utilities Extension Project: Please call 1-833-227-3837 (833-CAPE-UEP).
For questions related to a new UEP account, please email us at
For any other questions: Please contact the 311 Call Center by dialing 3-1-1 or (239) 574-0425.